miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013


Since the colonization of america, black people have suffered many issues when it comes to slavery, bad treatment, discrimation and other social and political problems, Afrocolombians aren't so different. With the spanish colonization in the earlier 1800's; afrocolombians were seen as tools for work, useless as an animal and other treats not apropiate for a human being. This particular issue create a whole bias around black people including afrocolombians. Even today, for example, we see a significant difference between of the number of afrocolombian people who belong to one particular political movement such as "polo democrático" or "partido liberal", we don't see this kind of people that often participating. So, the government is trying to fight all the forms of racism with many strategies like social inclusion programs and campaigns against mediatic racism to make sure that all people, either black or white skin color, have the same rights.

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