miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

Economic Empowerment for Women

Read 3 profiles of Costeñas through Kiva, a microfinancing organization that lends money to people around the world. Blog about which one you would lend money to. Explain why.

Blanca Isvelia
Blanca Isvelia - Barranquilla
I will help all of them. Personally, I think the economic development in Colombia depends mostly on worker women. These women have the courage to provide their whole families what they need when it comes to education, food, home and love with the miserable minimun salary, these women are worthy of admiration, so I will lend all my money if it's necesary.

Ericka Patricia
Ericka Patricia - Barranquilla
Martha, Soledad (Atlántico)

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Personal Culture

With my cello

In my own field, music has become one of the most important things in my life, I've been studying clasical music since I have twelve years old. Music has shaped my personal culture in many ways. I can mention a few of them: 1. A whole new perception around myself when it comes to sounds, 2. I allways try to find the musical side of things around me, like pretend my pens are bows and play the cello (my instrument), it's really funny when i'm into it! and the final one; music has allowed me to meet other cultures and people with my orchestra, so that makes me a cultural person!
My orchestra

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Kenyan Matatu Drivers

1. How are matatu drivers treated in his experience with the BBC? 

Matatus are treated with suspicion, the police and the people distrust them easily, it's clear that the culture around them about selling photos of monkeys and create a wrong bias of them. Sometimes are dismissed and even attacked verbally.

2. Do Barranquilleros have the same negative opinion of mototaxistas as the Kenyans have of matatu drivers?

No, barranquilleros see mototaxis as a quick and cheap transportation to some parts of the city, it's not that often to see a mototaxi in the north, but it's very common to see a bunch of them in the south and the center. The bias that kenyans have of matatus drivers is very violent and irrational.