viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Palenque VS Alvin Company

The videos represent African culture as a strong and bold culture that has been fighting against discrimination and injustice since a long time ago. In Alvin video we see the effort that the people to share costumes and thoughts and the fight that they have against slavery, while in Palenque video we can see the music like a as something natural and "popurri" of their culture, in which one music is a universal language that is within the soul

domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Holidays in other countries

I can notice different maners of how they celebrate the holidays. In matter fact, each of them has its own style, but they make to the same point: celebratre, preserve and transmit the tradition to new generations. In my opinion English is used as an effective tool of comunication because many people can speak it and understand it quite well.It gets obvious that american culture is all around the world.